Proof Of Life

I’ve been battling a very nasty bacterial infection for the last few days. It presented itself during last weekend’s Merrimack Valley Halloween Book Festival and by Tuesday morning, I was in bad shape. It had spread along my jawline and into my ear and my lymph node. There were several points they thought they’d have to admit me to the hospital, but my immune system is finally defeating it, with the help of some strong antibiotics and homeopathic garlic. (And oh my God, when you begin to sweat that garlic out through your pores, it is the grossest thing ever).

Anyway, while I was laid up, I wrote a new short story called “Friday Night In Damascus”. It’s available on my Patreon right now. Click here to read it.

People often ask me what the difference is between Splatterpunk and Extreme Horror. In most cases, the difference is one of social commentary. "Friday Night In Damascus" is a good example of the difference. It is firmly Splatterpunk, given the social and political commentary. Mary read it this morning and says it reminds her of a cross between John Skipp and David J. Schow, so I reckon I did it right.

I’m being commanded by both Mary and my ex-wife and my sons to rest, so I’m going to go back to doing that. Enjoy the story! Click here to read it.


Asher Ellis - The Horror Show with Brian Keene - Ep 240


Defenders Dialogue - Episode 80