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Necro Publications Update

What Follows Is Important Information For Authors and Customers of Necro Publications. Please read thoroughly:

As you know, David G. Barnett of Necro Publications was killed last year in a traffic accident. Since then, his estate has been in probate, and his stable of authors and his customers were left in limbo.

Now, the estate has been resolved. Unfortunately, while Dave had indeed planned for this eventuality, no one — including his lawyers or family — has the passwords to his computers, KDP account, and other resources.

Tony and Kim of venerated bookseller and publisher Camelot Books were asked to evaluate Dave’s collection and inventory. Among the hundreds of books were two cases (40 copies) of Edward Lee’s WHITE TRASH GOTHIC III, and a box of 52 lettered copies. The problem is that, due to no one having the passwords to Dave’s computer, Tony and Kim have no records of customers who purchased the book from Dave.

READERS: If you purchased a copy of WHITE TRASH GOTHIC III directly from Necro Publications, please email them a copy of your order confirmation showing it was ordered and if you paid for it or not (you have to prove it was paid for, either a paid receipt from Necro, and e-mail from Dave or some other proof of payment). Email that information to

In addition, if you have WHITE TRASH GOTHIC II, send a copy of your signature page so we can match the letter or number.

DEALERS AND BOOKSELLERS: If you typically purchased copies of books from Dave and ordered copies of WHITE TRASH GOTHIC III, please send them a copy of your order for WHITE TRASH GTHIC II so they can see the quantity and discount you were getting (Published price on this book is $150.00, you will get the same discount on this book as you got on the previous book, but they will require pre-payment as all the proceeds from this book are going directly to Dave’s mother!). In addition, please send them a list of the letters you received for WHITE TRASH GOTHIC II.

No other copies will be shipped for 30 days from today’s date. This is so if there is any confusion with regards to letters, Camelot can say they gave everyone an opportunity to provide proof who gets what letter. After the 30 days they will ship to those that have shown proof of order and payment from Necro and to dealers who have paid, any remaining copies will then be put up for sale.

AUTHORS: Dave had hardcover copies of many titles which were not lettered or numbered, generally one or two copies of each but because Tony and Kim could not get into Dave’s computer it is assumed they are PC’s, Camelot and Dave’s mother would like very much to see these extra books get to the authors to try to compensate for the headaches that ensued with regards to your royalties subsequent to Dave’s passing. These extra limited-edition books will be marked “Author’s Copy” on the limitation line. In addition, for some of the authors, there were a handful of trade paperbacks they would like to send you too, just reach out to us and let us know where to send them. Again, email them at

Given the situation with Dave’s passwords and log-in info, Necro Publications titles are still available for purchase on Amazon, but the authors and the estate do not have access to that KDP account or those royalties. If you are one of those authors, it is my (Brian Keene) recommendation that you file a DMCA with Amazon, so that your book is removed from sale, and you can then place it with another publisher.

And finally, on a personal note, I just want to give thanks and praise to Tony and Kim. As someone who has now handled the estates of two departed friends in this business, I know all too well how stressful this task can be. I’m thankful to them for helping Dave’s mother, and for making sure his legacy, authors, and customers are taken care of.

— Brian Keene