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Distance Makes Us Stronger

April looks to be a long month for most of us. So Apex Publishing would like to help you pass the time by temporarily offering the following five Apex eBooks for 99 cents each, including my own THE LOST LEVEL.

These books are available at the discounted price at Amazon, B&N, Kobo, Google Play, DriveThruFiction, and Apex.

We encourage you to purchase via DriveThruFiction or Apex as a way of supporting independent businesses. It's a tough world out there for us right now.

THE LOST LEVEL by Brian Keene (lost world fantasy novel)
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MARS GIRLS by Mary Turzillo (YA science fiction novel)
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I CAN TRANSFORM YOU by Maurice Broaddus (dark SF novella)
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AETHERCHRIST by Kirk Jones (dark SF novella)
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DARK FAITH ed. by Maurice Broaddus & Jerry Gordon (dark fantasy & horror anthology)
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