Borderlands Press Writers Boot Camp - TNG

I am deeply honored to announce that beginning next year (2023), Mary SanGiovanni and I will be taking over the reins of the Borderlands Press Writers Boot Camp.

For over eighteen years, Borderlands Press Writers Boot Camp has been the premiere workshop for aspiring genre fiction writers. Founded by Tom and Elizabeth Monteleone, F. Paul Wilson, Douglas E. Winter and Ginjer Buchanan, it has become an institution like no other, with unparalleled success stories. Alumni from the last two decades include authors, editors and publishers such as Michael Bailey, Norman Prentiss, John Urbancik, Michael M. Hughes, Mike McBride, Meghan Arcuri, Lisa Mannetti, David Agranoff, Cameron Pierce, Brian J. Hatcher, Michael Knost, Yvette Tan, J.G. Faherty, Kevin Lucia, Nicole Wilson, and dozens more.

As someone who has been on the periphery of the workshop since its inception — be it as a guest speaker or simply warming up the crowd on Friday night — I have consistently been amazed and impressed by the level of teaching on hand, and the talent that comes out of such sessions.

When Tom and Paul asked, both Mary and myself were humbled and honored. In the days since, as the reality — and enormity — has set in, we are excited and eager to start.

We will be keeping the name firmly in place, as a way of honoring the legacy of the workshop’s founders, and intend to keep the majority of the structure and the lesson plan in place, as well. (If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it). But we also intend to add some new additions to the program, to better prepare tomorrow’s aspiring writers for the fast-changing marketplace that publishing has become.

We will announce 2023’s dates, instructors and details later this year.


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