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End of the Road Nominated For Bram Stoker Award

Anyone who has read END OF THE ROAD knows just how personal of a book it was for me to write. Over the last two decades (plus change) I've been privileged enough to give back to a genre that has given me joy for most of my life, and in doing so, I've been lucky enough to build a sizeable bibliography. However, of all the things I've written, END OF THE ROAD is my favorite.

While it is indeed a memoir, it's not a book about me. It's a book about us -- all of us, we fans and creators within the horror genre. It's a book about the people who came before us, a book about us ourselves, and a book about the people who will come long after we are gone.

I am deeply honored to learn that END OF THE ROAD has made the final ballot for the Bram Stoker Awards, and I continue to be humbled and moved by all the readers this book has touched. Thank you all.

To see the complete list of this year’s Bram Stoker Award nominees, click here.

To purchase END OF THE ROAD in paperback or for Kindle, click here.